5000 words

Sweden 2023-24 / 24 texts, 24 ceramic tiles, 2 ceramic sculptures

I had an assignment to write about my practice in 5000 words. I have always had trouble defining it. From September 2022 to February 2023, I spent my days writing, describing my new life to my old friends. Then I began cutting it down in May and June 2023. On the first day of editing, I managed to reduce the 25,056 words I had written to 8,627. The next day, I cut 1,202 words but was disappointed when I only removed 1,184 words the following day, so I tried again. I gave up after managing to cut only 118 more words. I aimed to end with exactly 5,000 words but ended up with 1,123 words too many. Unfortunately, page 19 wasn't scanned. The next day, I put the page in a small bag, but it went missing by the time I got home. I didn’t know how many words were on that lost page. I recounted the remaining words and found there were 5,973, which suggested that page 19 likely had around 150 words. This meant I needed to remove about 28 words from each page. After the first round of editing, only 23 words remained to be deleted. I postponed my summer plans to finish the editing but didn’t manage to complete it as intended. At least, I succeeded in keeping the word count to 5,000.

I burned the titles on the ceramic tiles. But now they don't carry any message, so don't mind them.


97 Stones

