The Netherlands, Poland 2020-21 / instagram account of 210 images 210 paper works video 13:18 video 11:30 site specific installation wood, ceramic, flowers

I created an artificial persona named Aniela Lato. She made paintings, prints, and drawings of flowers, publishing them on her Instagram account every other Saturday. She started by posting 20 works, then one less every two weeks, until June 26th, when only one work remained. Two weeks later, with nothing left to publish, Aniela died. Just as a flower that cannot serve any decorational purpose anymore. At least after her death, I managed to present all the works on the staircase, with the earliest being at the bottom, the older moving up high as she grew in her process. When creating her, I chose her hometown by randomly placing my finger on a map with my eyes closed. I visited this town for the first time for her funeral and made a grave. Afterward, I returned to my hometown and sold her works at the Saturday open market for the price of a flower bouquet, which at that time was 5 euros per piece.




Soup Dream